ASCE: Leading the industry since 1852
160,000+ ASCE members in 177 countries
The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) stands at the forefront of a profession that plans, designs, constructs, and operates society’s economic and social engine—the built environment— while protecting and restoring the natural environment. ASCE is a leading provider of technical and professional conferences and continuing education, the world’s largest publisher of civil engineering content, and an authoritative source for codes and standards that protect the public. ASCE offers you many opportunities to be associated with this well-respected, powerful brand. Only ASCE can design a cross-platform advertising program that gives you exclusive access to the world’s leading civil engineers—ASCE members.
Reaching our audience

ASCE digital
ASCE’s digital presence provides you with unprecedented opportunities to build your brand, promote your services, and sell your products 24 hours a day. Make a direct connection to civil engineers worldwide with exposure on ASCE’s website or reach its members through its targeted e-newsletters, or sponsored content, emails or webinars.
Civil Engineering magazine
As the award-winning, flagship, bimonthly print and digital magazine of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Civil Engineering appeals to a broad range of readers who represent the full spectrum of civil engineering disciplines.
As the official bimonthly print and digital magazine of ASCE’s Geo-Institute, GEOSTRATA offers you the opportunity to target your marketing message directly to the geotechnical engineering community.
ASCE's Career Connections
Check out the new ASCE Career Connections and find your ideal candidate today. Connect with highly specialized candidates, maximize your applications and your budget with support from our expert sales and employer success team, extend your reach to specialist engineers who may not be actively job-seeking, and more.
Contact us and start your inquiry today!